
About Us – who we are

The Schroeckel Unternehmensberatung, Waldbrunn (Westerwald), was founded in 1991 by Jörn-Ole Schroeckel – back then after 15 years of successful, professionally exercised tax consulting and auditing in Lübeck, Hannover and Frankfurt/Main.

Reliable managment consultancy is a high goal – our target. We keep in mind always the professional principals as they are formulated by the professional organisation named Bundesverband Deutscher Unternehmens­berater BDU e.V.

We are independent and self-supporting. Therefore, our only obligation is to the interests of our clients. We are not linked to any other outside interests through holdings or loans or any other contractual arrangements or ties.

The advantage is, to switch on us as external advisors, that we are completely independently, also impartial and without any preconceived ideas. So we take up our work freely from any prejudices.

Your further advantage: We take over an order only then if we are convinced that the honorarium is at short notice balanced by increased proceeds (capitalised earnings values) and/or if we are sure that our job achievements lead to increased assets (asset values), which will be lasting.

We fulfill the desires of our clients in each case individually and objectively under compliance with of absolute confidentiality.

We have not specialized us in the actual sense of the word. Rather we exercise our professional activity with much fantasy under exhaustion of all possibilities, which offer the general and civil right as well as the economic law, tax law, commercial law and corporate law - without to act schematised or diagramed.

We regard your enterprise in its whole. We treat not symptoms, but develop together with you custom-made approaches, which function in practice. But no fear: We do not turn over everything. What is functioning well, is to remain.

About Us – who we are here for

Anyone who wants, needs or has a project to undertake.

This includes more than just commercial corporations. In fact, we go a lot further: We work with freelance workers, associations, foundations, state or private bodies and institutions and of course, most certainly, private individuals.

The site Clients shows an overview about our customers which we have advised and accompanied.

International: Our customers are private individuals and corporations that live and work abroad. They generally ask us to handle a very wide range of projects for them, mainly within Germany.

Essentially, our customers are not able or willing to leave their country of residence. In spite of this, they have important things to settle in Germany.

About Us – what we can do for you

This website (see also Services) can – and should – only illustrate just a small selection of the activities that we can undertake for you.

Our approach is to refrain from making a detailed plan or focusing on main points right at the start. Instead, we work with certain topic areas, chosen because they appear specially significant to us. These can include topics that we regard as suitable to pro-vide a good overview of our activities and abilities. In this way, topics individually – and even more, when taken together – illustrate the main ideas that guide the way we work.

There is no question that these web pages will soon give you the totally correct impression that we are experienced professionals in virtually every imaginable area of financial affairs.
